5 Ways the cloud can enhance your productivity

5 Ways the cloud can enhance your productivity

The days of having to work within the boundaries of the conventional office environment are long gone. Thanks to the rise of cloud computing, the desktop has been relegated to a niche environment. Today, most everyday business processes ranging from customer relationship management to accounting to marketing can all be handled using web-based apps in cloud-based servers, instead of being installed on a local computer.

Here are five ways the cloud can do wonders for employee productivity:

#1. Take your work anywhere

Almost half of the US workforce now work from home or on the move at least some of the time. Cloud computing lets people take their work with them no matter where they are, allowing them to get a head start on the daily commute or work full-time from home while balancing other commitments. All you need is any device connected to the internet. You can use cloud-based storage and web apps without having to download, install, and maintain extra software and other resources on your local computer.

#2. Use any device you want

Traditionally, employees would have to undergo extensive training programs to learn how to work effectively with new devices, operating systems, and other software. But while training still plays a central role in any employee onboarding process, letting them use their preferred device greatly eases the burden.

People are usually much more comfortable using their own devices for work, simply because they’re already familiar with them. Forcing people to use a laptop that runs on Windows when all they’ve ever used is a MacBook, for example, isn’t a good call for productivity. Letting employees use their own devices for work also reduces costs while giving administrators full control over access to their apps and data in the cloud.

#3. Collaborate more effectively

Having your workforce spread out over a wide geographical area, working at different times, and using a multitude of different devices might sound like a nightmare for productivity. And up until a few years ago, it was.

But that’s no longer the case, thanks to the widespread availability of cloud-based applications and platforms that share a centralized database hosted online. For example, the world’s most popular productivity suites — Google Docs and Microsoft Office 365 — allow co-authoring of documents, while integrated chat and conferencing features let everyone on the team keep in touch in real time.

Today, teamwork doesn’t have to be restricted by geographical boundaries, since the cloud makes it possible to work with people all over the world.

#4. Tap into limitless resources

Before the cloud, small business computing workloads were handled locally, often by aging desktops in desperate need of an upgrade. But the cloud lets you tap into the computing power and storage space provided by some of the world’s largest data centers, which are typically operated by industry giants like Microsoft, Amazon, or Google. Since all the computing work is handled off-site, all the local device needs to do is run a web browser.

#5. Keep everything together

Nothing gets in the way of productivity faster than having to exchange documents or data by email or, worse still, manually through physical media. Also, when different departments and employees have to update multiple databases, there’s a substantial risk of inconsistent and incorrect entries. With a unified cloud-based environment, everything is stored in a single database and managed centrally via a web-based dashboard. Not only does this ensure that all apps and data used for work remain readily accessible, but it also negates the risk of human error.

Zenops provides powerful cloud-enabled technology solutions for smoother workflows and improved productivity. Call us today to get started.

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